Thursday, November 28, 2019

De Kleine Blonde Dood Essays - , Term Papers

De Kleine Blonde Dood Samenvattingen Het onderwerp van de tekst is in het begin de relatie tussen Boudewijn en zijn vader en later zijn zoontje Micky. Ik vind het beide wel interessante onderwerpen, maar als het over zijn vader gaat, vind ik het soms een beetje saai. Dat is vaak hetzelfde. Ik vind dat de schrijver het onderwerp goed uitwerkt. Hij vertelt alles op een manier zodat je helemaal in het verhaal opgaat, omdat hij het vertelt zo als hij het meemaakt. Ik denk wel eens na over de onderwerpen oorlog en het overlijden van een kind, en door dit boek zijn mijn gedachten daarover niet veranderd. Gebeurtenissen. Ik denk dat de belangrijkste gebeurtenissen zijn de woedeaanvallen van Boudewijn's vader, dat Boudewijn in een psychiatrisch ziekenhuis komt en later in een gewoon ziekenhuis. En later in het verhaal dat Boudewijn een zoontje krijgt, dat Boudewijn's vader overlijdt en dat daarna Boudewijn's zoontje overlijdt. De gebeurtenissen zijn allemaal goed gedetailleerd en duidelijk beschreven, heel uitgebreid. De gebeurtenissen worden allemaal door de hoofdpersoon zelf verteld, dus de gedachten en gevoelens van de hoofdpersoon spelen denk ik een even grote rol als de gebeurtenissen want het gaat allemaal over hetzelfde en is dus ook wel even belangrijk. De gebeurtenis die de meeste indruk op mij heeft gemaakt is wanneer Micky overlijdt in het ziekenhuis. Dat vond ik zo zielig, dat Boudewijn zelf moest beslissen of Micky bleef leven of niet, heel ontroerend. De hoofdpersoon van dit verhaal is Boudewijn en andere belangrijke personen zijn vader Rainer (als Boudewijn het over zijn jeugd heeft) en zijn zoontje Micky (als hij het over de tijd vlak voor Micky's dood heeft). Rainer is de vader van Boudewijn, Micky is het zoontje van Boudewijn. De belangrijkste gebeurtenissen zijn in het begin de woedeaanvallen van Boudewijn's vader, dat Boudewijn in een psychiatrisch ziekenhuis wordt opgenomen en daarna blindedarmontsteking krijgt. En later dat zijn vader doodgaat en dat Micky van de trap valt en in het ziekenhuis komt en doodgaat. Door deze gebeurtenissen verandert het leven van Boudewijn heel erg. Doordat zijn vader zo verknipt is door de oorlog interesseert Boudewijn zich daar erg voor. En als zijn vader doodgaat en daarna Micky ook, vindt Boudewijn dat heel erg, en is hij heel verdrietig. De gebeurtenissen spelen zich eerst af in het ouderlijk huis van Boudewijn in Wassenaar een paar jaar na de oorlog en later in zijn nieuwe woonplaats Lei den en gedeeltelijk ook in Amsterdam. (15 tot 16 jaar na die tijd) Hoofdstuk 1 Boudewijn gaat voor het eerst op schoolreis . Hij heeft van zijn moeder 3 kwartjes gekregen zijn vader vindt dat veel te veel en pakt hem een kwartje af . Ze willen met school naar de Duitse grens toe rijden en dan een paar stappen op Duitse bodem zetten . Van zijn vader mag Boudewijn niet op Duitse grond komen vanwege de oorlog die allang afgelopen is . Zijn vader is gek geworden in de oorlog . Hij doet allemaal rare dingen en met Bevrijdingsdag is het altijd ruzie in huis . Als ze met school bij de grens aankomen blijft Boudewijn bij de leraar . Vlak daarna ziet hij een vlinder vliegen . Zijn vader is gek op vlinders .Het is een landkaartje . Boudewijn gaat achter de vlinder aan en vangt hem . Plots is hij in Duitsland terwijl dat niet mocht van zijn pa . Hij word terug naar de bus gebracht door douaniers . Zijn leraar is boos . Als hij thuiskomt verteld hij zijn moeder wat hij gedaan heeft . Ze zegt dat hij niets moet zeggen tegen zijn vader . Als Boudewijn thuiskomt zegt hij tegen zijn dat hij een vlinder gevangen heeft . Zijn vader is blij met de vlinder .Dan verteld Boudewijn zijn vader dat de vlinder in Duitsland gevangen is . Zijn vader begint te vloeken en te tieren . De vlinder valt in duizend stukjes op de grond . Een week later praat Boudewijn's vader pas weer tegen Boudewijn . Hoofdstuk 2 15 jaar na het schoolreisje maakt Boudewijn met zijn zoon een reis naar Artis De zoon is 5 jaar en heet Mickey .Boudewijn is Homo maar heeft een zoon samen met Mieke een 15jaar oudere vrouw . In Artis

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Marine Biodiversity essays

Marine Biodiversity essays If New Zealand had no restrictions or control over the fishing industry, then fish might start appearing as a rare species on cute-endangered-animal posters. By government control of fisheries, we can help to ensure the future biodiversity of our waters. Biodiversity means having a large range of organisms living in an area. This is important for keeping a large range of fish and wild organisms in New Zealand seas. By controlling commercial and recreational fishing, the government can help to maintain biodiversity. For this reason in June 2000, the government allowed $14.1 million to go towards research for increasing our insight into marine ecosystems. A range of laws are set down by the Ministry of Fisheries help to regulate fishing. The key to this is the 1986 Quota Management System, introduced for the management and conservation of commercial fisheries. There are rules such as closed areas and seasons for different species fishing, fish size limits, mesh size limits for trawler nets, trawling area restrictions and total volumes allowed to be caught. These volume regulations are the Total Allowable Catch (TAC), which limits numbers of fish that can be caught by fishers and the Total Allowable Commercial Catch specifically for commercial volumes. The TAC is re-evaluated and determined each year through scientific research into the abundance and survival of different fish species. There are also restrictions for recreational fishing, because these fishers have almost as much impact on fish populations as commercial fishers. The rules for recreational fishers include things such as size restriction: in the North Island snapper shorter than 27cm long must be thrown back; bag (volume) limits, net size limits, controlled areas and not selling or trading catch. Gear restrictions also apply for things like the size of net mesh and lobster pots. Infringement fees are the penalty for anyone ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

A company or hazardous situation Research Paper

A company or hazardous situation - Research Paper Example These are present at the work place at any one time or the other and they may lead to injury illness or even death (Alesch 50). They are the easiest to spot but often too overlooked because of the familiarity, the lack of knowledge, difficulty in a company spending time or money to make necessary improvements or just delays. This paper is going to discuss the general procedures that are used to prevent injury or harm from moving parts or machinery. It will begin by a description of how moving parts are hazards, the procedures for mitigation, personal protective equipment for specific types of machinery and lastly the engineering controls that are necessary to eliminate the hazard. As a result of industrialization and subsequently urbanization, machines became a norm in the contemporary world. They brought joy because of the different things that machines could accomplish which were either strenuous for individuals or would take a very long time for individuals to accomplish. Therefore machines increased efficiency and saved on time and costs that would be incurred as a result of human efforts. However the machines brought with them other problems. Moving machines especially have the potential of injuring a person whether the person was aware of the danger or not as long as they are working with the machine or are next to it. It became necessary for people to find ways in which the machines could be monitored or controlled so that harm does not come to individuals (Mannan and Lees 104). Moving machines can therefore cause severe workplace injuries that range from crushed fingers, hands or arms, amputations to burns and blindness. When an individual working with a given machine comes in contact with the machine by accident, the machine could injure him or others in the vicinity. This means that there is a need to control

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Arguments for Assisted Suicide Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Arguments for Assisted Suicide - Essay Example This becomes a less volatile terminology that can be discussed on terms that do not suggest sin, mental instability, and can call into question policies of illegality. A definition of voluntary euthanasia is that it â€Å"takes place when a patient who is dying or who is in intolerable pain asks someone to help him or her to die to avoid any further suffering† (Cleave, 2001, p. 22). Most cultures, including the Western culture, is very linguistically affected by how different terminologies are used to define a topic. However, the word euthanasia is more often associated with the act of putting down an animal, so therefore that term is also not sufficient for the discussion. Suicide and Culture The event in question concerns helping someone who for one reason or another has decided to end their life. The most basic reason for suicide, that an individual is miserable and decides to end a life that has become unbearable purely for reasons that are based upon how they feel within their life, is a type of suicide that cannot be socially supported in Western cultures. According to Barnes, Golden, and Peterson (2010), men complete suicide more often than women, Montana has a higher rate of suicide over New Jersey, and people in the Eastern European country of Belarus have a higher rate of suicide than the United States. China, on the other hand, has a much higher rate of completed suicide by women than men. Culture is highly relevant to the rate of suicide and more importantly, 60% of all suicides are attributed to depression. Attributing suicide to depression, however, is based upon theory rather than medical evaluation and is a culturally based... Once again, it is how the topic is discussed that frames the event, the language that is used in forming the concept that defines its presence within society. The association to depression, while a clinically evaluated disease, is still a disease that is assessed through a determination and is often undiagnosed previous to the event of suicide.     Therefore, the cultural assessment of suicide is that it occurs because individuals have been influenced by a feeling of despair that is caused by mental illness, therefore it cannot have been a decision made through sound and evaluative thinking. This social evaluation of suicide has influenced the way in which the choice to end one’s life because of terminal illness has been assessed. Society has yet to acknowledge the benefits of assisted suicide when the decision has been made to end one’s own suffering, but the event of suicide is best done under the care of a medical professional, or a friend who helps to ease the b urden of self inflicting the event of suicide. Finding a relatively painless way to die when life has become unbearable is not a right that has been given in the United States. Assisting someone else to die is considered murder and is a burden to anyone who agrees to provide that service. Dr. Jack Kevorkian  Dr. Jack Kevorkian is the most renowned physician to support assisted suicide. His beliefs extended to anyone who desired to end their own life. One of the more famous quotes from this doctor was simply that â€Å"dying is not a crime†.  

Monday, November 18, 2019

Employment Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Employment Law - Essay Example Based on the reported facts, at the onset before Tanya was actually hired by your company, she already concealed a material information prior to her employment, which was her medical condition as she suffered from Trigeminal Neuralgia. Her present medical condition constrained her to report to daily to work if she is suffering an attack. Clearly, your company is already experiencing losses due to her absences. The constant conflict between Brian and Tanya must be resolved by the employer. Brian’s act of falsely accusing Tanya as â€Å"useless† and not being capable of carrying out her job already constitutes as a form of harassment (Isle of Wight Tourist Board v Coombes [1976] IRLR 413). As the boss of both Brian and Tanya, you are expected to resolve the friction between the two employees and to stop any form of harassment and to make sure to avoid it from happening again in the future. On the issue of incompetency of Tanya, it was recently discovered that she committe d major blunders in the company while she was still an employee because the banking records are inaccurate and what’s worse is that she even misappropriated a sum of money since the petty cash fund is short by a ?100, which was under her custody while she was still an employee. This is a gross misconduct on her part and considered as stealing money from the company. I. ANALYSIS Under the law, a constructive dismissal case will only prosper if it satisfies the requirements provided under the law. The Employee Rights Act of 1996 of Section 95(c) provides that the employee terminates the contract under which he is employed with or without notice in circumstances in which he is entitled to terminate it without notice by reason of the employer’s conduct (Employee Rights Act: 1996). In these circumstances, the employer’s behaviour constitutes a repudiation of the contract and the employee accepts the repudiation by resigning (Lewis 2009, p.210). In the case at bar, Ta nya informed the employer that she is no longer reporting to work because of the verbal conduct of Brian against her. Here, it is not the employer’s conduct or behaviour which forced Tanya to resign, but was caused by Brian’s verbal abuse on her. In all fairness to you as the employer, you made reasonable efforts to prevent the harassment from happening again by telling Brian to stop the verbal abuse on Tanya. However, Brian was still not able to resist throwing invectives against Tanya in the workplace. The day after her last fight with Brian, she immediately filed the case without going through mediation. On the other hand, under the Protection from Harassment Act of 1997, a person must not pursue a conduct (a) which amounts to harassment of another and; (b) which he knows or ought to know amounts to harassment of another (Protection from Harassment Act: 1997). Clearly, Brian is guilty of verbally abusing Tanya every time he accuses her of incompetence in from of peo ple in the office (Cortaulds v Andrew [1979] IRLR 85 ). Thus, this instance will fall as harassment on the part of Brian. As a general rule, the employer is liable for the acts of its employees under the principle of vicarious liability. However, the employer can avoid liability for discriminatory harassment if they can prove that they took such steps that were reasonably practical to prevent harassment from occurring. Furthermore, individual employees may also be liable, for

Friday, November 15, 2019

The Tragedy of Macbeth | Analysis

The Tragedy of Macbeth | Analysis The tragedy of Macbeth is a play normally called Macbeth by William Shakespeare concerning the regicide and aftermath. It is the Shakespeares briefest tragedy believed to have been put down between 1603 and 1607. Shakespeares sources of tragedy are encounters of Macduff, King Macbeth of Scotland and Duncan in Holinsheds Chronicles of 1587, history for Scotland, England and Ireland similar to Shakespeare and his accountability (Coursen and Herbert 1997). The initial act of play opens in the amidst lighting and thunder when the present three witches came into decision of meeting with Macbeth in their next meeting. In the following scene, an injured captain gave description to King Duncan of Scotland regarding his generals Macbeth (Thane of Glamis) and Banquo. The report reviewed how Banquo and Thane of Glamis had defeated their enemies forces of Norway and Ireland who were led by conspirator Macdonwald. Macbeth, the kings kinsman was appraised for his fighting prowess and bravery. As the scene took another dimension, Banquo and Macbeth entered as they discussed about the weather and their victory. As they wandered onto the heath, the three witches entered as they waited to welcome them with prophecies. Although the Banquo challenges them at first, they addressed Macbeth after allà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ (Coursen and Herbert 1997). The first witch summoned Macbeth as Thane of Glamis, second as Thane of Cawdor while the third one proclaimed he could be the King in future. Macbeth seemed to be amazed into silence as Banquo challenged them furthermore. The witches notify Banquo that he would father the line of Kings, arrive and inform Macbeth concerning his newly bestowed title. Thus the first prophecy is fulfilled. Suddenly, Macbeth starts to harbor aspiration to become a king. Macbeth wrote to his wife concerning the witches prophecies as Duncan decides to remain in the Macbeths fortress at Inverness, while Lady Macbeth comes with a plan to kill him and protect the throne of her husband. Though Macbeth is concerned about the reignite, eventually Lady Macbeth persuaded him by challenging his manhood to convince him to follow his plans (Coursen and Herbert 1997). On the night when the King visited, Macbeth killed Duncan though the deed is not recognized by the audience. However, it leaves Macbeth so perplexed that Lady Macbeth had to take charge. Depending on his plans, she puts the Duncans resting servants for killing by inserting bloody daggers on them. Then the porter opened the gate as Macbeth led them into the kings chamber, whereby Macduff discovered Duncans corpse. In the contrived well of bitterness, Macbeth kills the guards before they would take care for their innocence. Macduff is then suspicious of Macbeth though he does not show his suspicion to people. To run for their lives, the Duncans sons leave, Donalbain to Ireland, and Malcolm to England. The correct heirs voyage calls them suppose and Macbeth takes the kingships the coming King of Scotland as Kinsman for dead King. Regardless of his victory, Macbeth remained disturbed regarding the prophecy of Banquo. This made Macbeth to invite him to majestic banquet in which he noticed Banquo and his young son could be coming on that night. He then hired two men to murder them as the third murderer emerges mysteriously at the park before the murder. As the assassins murders Banquo, Fleance takes the chance to flee. At the banquet, the Banquos ghost goes in and sits in Macbeths place and Macbeth alone sees the specter (Coursen and Herbert 1997). The rest wonder at Macbeth raging to empty chair till the distressed Lady Macbeth demands them to flee. Macbeth gets disturbed and visits the Three Witches again. They invokes the three spirits with three warnings and prophecies which commands him to beware Macduff though none of the woman born could harm Macbeth and he would never annihilate till the Great Birman Wood to greater Dunsinane Hill comes against him. Macduff is in exile in England and Macbeth assumes he is safe, and kills everybody in the Macduffs stronghold including the Macduffs wife together with their children. Lady Macbeth feels guilty of the crimes she committed together with her husband. She then sleepwalks and attempts to wipe the bloodstains imaginary from her hands while speaking of dreadful things she knew. In England, Macduff and Malcolm are informed of Ross that her castle was surprised and her babes and wives savagely slaughtered. Macbeth not considered as tyrant, views majority of his thanes conquering. Malcolm leads an army with Englishmen Siward (the elder) and Macduff, the Earl of Northumberland in opposition to Dunsinane Castle. While in Birnam Wood, the military were commanded to reduce and take the tree limbs to disguise their statistics and pleased the witches third prediction. Meanwhile, Macbeth gives the soliloquy tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow along learning of Lady Macbeths death (Coursen and Herbert 1997). The reason remained unrevealed and some assume she committed suicide. The battle ended in homicide of the young Macduffs and Siward altercation with Macbeth. Macbeth brags he had no reason to panic Macduff as he could not be killed by any man born by a woman. In play, the three Witches symbolize chaos, darkness and conflict while their duty is as witnesses and agents. Their presence communicates impending doom and treason.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Fundraising and State Support Essay -- Public Choice Theory, Education

The examination of the relationship of fundraising and state support change was based upon an understanding of public choice theory, which is rooted in political economy and used to determine societal resource allocation preferences through the legislative process to attain the maximum social benefit (Herber, 1983). The theory has evolved over time with the core research of Buchanan and Tullock (1967) examining individual economic preferences demonstrated through the political system, establishing an approach for analyzing political decision-making. The focus of public choice theory in the context of the proposed research questions is on decision-making cost in terms of offsetting fundraising increases to reach consensus. This incorporates the direct cost involved in funding, or not funding, higher education, the opportunity costs of bargaining through the political process, and the trade-offs between competing public demands (Herber, 1983). Society could follow non-strategic behavi or in order to allow for collective decisions (Herber). Decision making costs become an outcome of the public choice bargaining in order to reach agreement; public choice involves making decisions within a dynamic context of higher education as a public good, particularly when examining the relationship of fundraising and state support (Buchanan & Tullock, 1967). Constitutional Economics Within public choice theory is the concept of constitutional economics that accounts for the rules pertaining to the legislative process that restricts the role of government and the scope of its decisions (Buchanan & Tullock, 1967). Buchanan and Tullock (1967) espoused the operational stage of rule-making that stem from the constitutional limitations. The budget pro... the mission of the college. At the opposite end of the continuum is the unconstrained vision. The unconstrained vision believes that people’s nature and institutions can be improved (Sowell, 1987). The unconstrained vision welcomes direct government intervention for the good of society (Sowell, 1987). Equating Sowell’s vision to public choice theory, there is a great deal of similarity between the unconstrained vision and how an individual categorizes higher education as a public good (Sowell, 1987; Ostrom, 1975). This research is intent in finding the relationship between the change in fundraising and the change in public funding of higher education. In an effort to determine how policymakers choose to fund higher education, acknowledging the policy maker’s vision of people and institutions will help understand how they may respond to funding scenarios.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Diet Analysis

According to the three days I tracked my diet, I am not as unhealthy as I thought. I eat enough meat, vegetables and grains to meet the daily recommended requirements. I seem to be getting enough protein and my fat intake is appropriate at around 30% of my diet. My cholesterol intake is also about average. I noticed that by day 3, I was eating more fruit, but that may have been to appear healthier after seeing my previous two days diet. I am going to make a point to eat a piece of fruit with or after every meal, and as a snack instead of cookies.I learned from the tracking that I do need to to eat more fruit and find a way to ingest more dairy. I put skim milk in my coffee and have cheese once in awhile but not enough. My sodium was a little high on day 2, mostly because I had two Cokes. I do not normally drink two Cokes in one day, but I need to be more aware of what I am drinking and drink more water. I sometimes forget that beverages count towards my diet, including coffee and Cok e. With school and work, my schedule varies. Some days I am able to eat three healthy meals a day while other days I eat on the run, or sometimes even skip meals.I do not like to eat fast food more than once a week, and I will try to continue with that. I try to exercise a few times a week, but just like meals, sometimes that is not possible. When I do exercise I try to make up for the days I miss and spend extra time on the treadmill. I am pleased that my cholesterol intake is normal and would like to keep that amount in my diet, or possibly lower it. Eating meat helps make me feel full, so I do not think cutting out meat is an option in my diet, but I could decrease my use of butter and other fats.I will start paying more attention to the amount of sodium I take in; luckily I do not eat many pre-packaged foods, so most of my sodium only comes from beverages like soda. It would be hard to give up Coke all together, but maybe I can find another sweet drink that is lower in sodium to have when I eat popcorn. I am going to start carrying a water bottle, so I will be hydrated and perhaps not feel like I need something else to drink. I do know I am not able to cut out coffee while I am in school.

Friday, November 8, 2019

The Courtship and Marriage Customs of the Waray Essays

The Courtship and Marriage Customs of the Waray Essays The Courtship and Marriage Customs of the Waray Paper The Courtship and Marriage Customs of the Waray Paper THE COURTSHIP AND MARRIAGE CUSTOM OF THE WARAY J. Colima Bajado The Philippines as a whole abounds in quaint marriage customs and traditions. Written literatures from Fr. Pedro Chirino (1590s), Blair and Robertson, to Gregorio Zaide describe the pre-Spanish marriage customs of the Philippines. More writers like Fay Cooper Cole, John Finley, C. R. Moss and John Garvan have written on the courtship and marriage rituals of the various tribes in the country. On the marriage customs of the Warays, some vernacular writers like Iluminado Lucente and Juan Ricacho have written plays portraying the marriage customs and practices of the region. Younger generations in the Samar-Leyte region may not even know how their great grandfathers won the hands of their great grannies, in relation to the present  Ã¢â‚¬Å"wer na u, dito na me†Ã‚  trend. The Illiterate Way of Courtship This kind of courtship has been practiced until the early 1900s. According to the narrations of Msgr. Alberto Almarines (1960s), illiterate young men in the rural areas, particularly in the hinterland sitios, observe this way of courtship passed to them by their great grandparents. Since they cannot read and write, actions, signs, signals, and even mimicries are flashed as costumarily understood to mean love. The man takes out an  inarmidol (crisply starched) white handkerchief and waves it to the woman, who could only give concealed glances. Then the man will kiss the handkerchief and put it over his chest. This is done when the young man does not have the chance to talk to the girl. If the girl accepts the love offered, she smiles and nods. When she frowns, she declines the offered affection. And when her face is expressionless, she does not yet know the answer. When she accepts, the man will then ask her hand for marriage. When she shows indifference, he will either wait for the ight time or simply forget her. The Kulalisi Courtship This type of courtship commences as a game, and concludes for real. Kulalisi  (sometimes spelledculalisi), is a game played after the nightly prayer for nine days of  lamay  (wake). Unmarried men and women gather in the house of the deceased to say the prayers, after which, the kulasisi game follows to console the bereaved family. The kulalisi game is a battle of wits between men and women. One of the elders in the house will act as  Hadi  (king) that will pair a man and a woman suspected or teased as sweethearts. The challenge to a  luwa  (verse) is cast by one who wins the draw using a shell called  buskay. Then the â€Å"luwa† or battle of words (somewhat like Balagtasan), and rhymes, and debates starts. If the challenger is a man and the challenged woman fails to outwit him, the reward is a â€Å"make-believe† marriage solemnized by the Hadi. If the man is outwitted by the woman, he becomes the woman’s slave and will do whatever the woman desires to let him do, for that night. Most of the â€Å"married† pairs in  culalisi  games become real partners for life. This kind of courtship has been commonly practiced up to the early 1900s. Tthe courtship through Panharana (Serenading) Wooing a woman by  panharana  is commonly practiced in the whole region up to the late 1990s; some even still practice this in other parts of the region, like Maydolong, Eastern Samar, up today. Serenading is a time-honored way of expressing one’s love and adoration to the accompaniment of a guitar, violin or other string and wind instruments. Moonlight nights are the perfect time for serenade. A man sings  kundiman  (love song) that is rich in lyrical beauty, appreciation of nature and profound sentiment of affection. A suitor who knows how to play a guitar serenades his admired woman by himself, for this is a rapport in his singing of love songs. A group of men serenades when the suitor cannot accompany himself in singing his love songs. The song  Mituo Ako  (I Believe) is once a popular serenade song in the Cebuano speaking part of the region, while Iluminado Lucente’s  Gihilom Ko  (I Secretly Bear) in the Waray speaking parts. While  panharana  is still practiced today, the town of Dagami in the province of Leyte once regulated its practice in the 1960s due to some stealing events resulted from serenading. While some were singing, others were stealing chickens, and other things. Serenading was then allowed from ten to twelve in the evening only. The Balata Courtship This type of courtship is one of the queer ways of wooing. This traditional practice is resorted to by the rich families. This is very common especially in the â€Å"capital† of the different provinces of the region such as Tacloban, Carigara, Palo, Biliran, Ormoc, Catarman, Calbayog, Catbalogan, Maasin and Borongan. In  balata, the parents of the bride and the groom agree to have their children married in accordance with their arrangement. It is the custom of the upperclass families through their exclusive formed groups. They hold week-end parties among themselves by turns. In the midst of the merry making, especially when they are already a bit tipsy, the betrothal of their children takes place. Although often started as a joke, the  balata  eventually becomes a serious matter involving  amor propio  and  palabra de honor. Usually, it is the parents of the male child who makes the proposal to the parents of the girl to have their children married when they reach the marriageable age. They mutually plan and finance the wedding of their children, give equal dowries of property such as land, livestock, jewelry, and cash with which their children will start their married life. They also agree with the kind of wedding, the grandeur, and the bands to play music, and all other things to make the wedding memorable. The day of the wedding is usually scheduled on the day the boy reaches his sixteenth year. Not all  balata  betrothal are negotiated and agreed upon during drinking sprees. Most of â€Å"balatas† results from the desire of both parties to insure the economic and financial stability of their children. The parents keep the betrothal of their children to themselves until the time comes when it is necessary to reveal it to their children. The betrothed are warned that refusal to comply with their pledge will bring their families dishonor and disgrace and the wrath of heaven will fall on them. Choice by parents This kind of courtship deprives young lovers from their right to choose their partners. The parents select their children’s life partners. Wealth and character or â€Å"urbanidad† as the parents fondly stress are the factors their prospective sons and daughters-in-law should possess. The boy’s parents look around for the girls who meet their criteria. Their search for girls extends to other towns and places where their friends and acquaintances live. They mark their choices for observation and preliminary selection. The girls’ parents base their selection on the same grounds. Their children are simply informed of their plans and tell them to abide to it. Usually, three possible candidates are chosen, the other two are reserves or alternatives. When they arrive at a choice, the courting begins. Courting through the Parents Courting a woman through her parents is another way of wooing. In this type of courting, the young man picks the girl and enlists the help of her parents. This is often resorted to when the girl does not reciprocate the boy’s feeling, or when her parents are very jealous. The young man and his parents will befriend the girl’s parents. The young man do manual works in the house of the girl, serves the girl’s parents, and do everything to please them. He put his best foot forward to impress, and eventually, gain their admiration and sympathy. A Back to Back Overview Perchance, it is not really the type of courtship that matters, after all. It is the sound of love that makes two lovers dance in harmony to its tune. As Rachel Gordo Maravilla’s  siday  says: Bis’ anu pa iton nga kaporma, Bis’ pa it yinaknan nagkakairiba, Kay iton karuyag boot sidngon, Amo manta gihapon. Bisan hin-o ha bug-os nga kalibutan, Tanan masayaw, Kon tukran na an kasing-kasing Han sonata Han Gugma. J. Colima Bajado graduated from University of the Philippines Tacloban with the degree in Political Science. He writes more on the revival of Waray history and culture, and has been bestowed various awards in his writings. He is currently the Cultural Editor of Gahum Weekly.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Current U.S. Supreme Court Justices History

Current U.S. Supreme Court Justices History The United States Supreme Court- often referred to as SCOTUS- was established in 1789 by Article Three of the United States Constitution. As the highest U.S. federal court, the Supreme Court has discretionary appellate jurisdiction to hear and rule on cases decided by all lower federal courts and state court cases that involve federal law, as well as original jurisdiction over a smaller range of cases. In the U.S. legal system, the Supreme Court is the highest and final interpreter of federal laws, including the Constitution itself. Under federal law, the full Court consists of the Chief Justice of the United States and eight associate justices who are all nominated by the President of the United States and confirmed by the Senate. Once seated, Supreme Court justices serve for life unless they retire, resign, or are removed after being impeached by Congress. Why Nine Justices? The Constitution did not and still does not specify the number of Supreme Court justices. The Judiciary Act of 1789 set the number at six. As the nation expanded westward, Congress added justices as needed to deal with cases from the growing number of judicial circuits; from seven in 1807 to nine in 1837 and to  ten in 1863. In 1866, Congress- at the request of Chief Justice Salmon P. Chase- passed an act stipulating that the next three justices to retire would not be replaced, thus reducing the number of justices back to seven. By 1867, two of the three justices had retired, but in 1869, Congress passed the Circuit Judges Act setting the number of justices to nine, where it remains today. The same 1869 law created the provision under which all federal judges continue to receive their full salaries after retiring. In 1937, President Franklin D. Roosevelt proposed a substantial and controversial enlargement of the Supreme Court. His plan would have added one new justice for every existing justice who reached the age of 70 years and 6 months and refused to retire, up to a maximum of 15 justices. Roosevelt claimed he wanted to ease the stress of the Court’s growing docket on elderly justices, but critics saw it as a way for him to load the Court with justices sympathetic to his Great Depression-busting New Deal program. Calling it Roosevelt’s â€Å"court-packing plan,† Congress rejected the proposal. Nevertheless, having been elected years before the adoption of the presidential term-limiting 22nd Amendment, Roosevelt would go on to appoint seven justices during his 12 years in office. Current Supreme Court Justices The table below shows the current Justices of the Supreme Court. Justice Appointed In Appointed By At Age John G; Roberts(Chief Justice) 2005 G. W. Bush 50 Elena Kagan 2010 Obama 50 Samuel A. Alito, Jr. 2006 G. W. Bush 55 Neil M. Gorsuch 2017 Trump 49 Brett M. Kavanaugh 2018 Trump 53 Sonia Sotomayor 2009 Obama 55 Clarence Thomas 1991 Bush 43 Ruth Bader Ginsburg 1993 Clinton 60 Stephen Breyer 1994 Clinton 56 * On June 20, 2018, Justice Anthony Kennedy, a crucial swing vote on the Supreme Court, announced his retirement effective July 31, 2018. Kennedy’s departure gave  President Trump the opportunity to appoint his second Supreme Court justice during just his first two years in office.   On July 9, 2018, President Trump nominated 53-year-old Brett M. Kavanaugh to replace Justice Kennedy on the Supreme Court. Appointed to the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit by President George W. Bush in 2003, Judge Kavanaugh is considered a conservative, thus setting up a probable Senate confirmation battle and possibly solidifying the court’s conservative majority for a generation. Though she recently announced her intention to serve through 2020, the now 85-year-old liberal-leaning Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is expected to be the next justice to retire. In announcing Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination, President Trump described him as â€Å"one of the finest and sharpest legal minds in our time,† and declared him a jurist who would apply the Constitution â€Å"as written.† In accepting the nomination, Judge Kavanaugh, who once clerked for Justice Kennedy, promised that as a Supreme Court justice, he would â€Å"keep an open mind in every case.† But he also declared that judges â€Å"must interpret the law, not make the law.† On Saturday, October 6, 2018, the Senate voted along party lines 50-48 in favor of confirming the nomination. Later the same day, Brett M. Kavanaugh was sworn in as the 114th Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court by Chief Justice John Roberts in a private ceremony. A Brief History of the US Supreme Court or SCOTUS As the final and ultimate legal interpreter of the U.S. Constitution, the Supreme Court of the United States, or SCOTUS, is one of the most visible and often controversial organizations in the federal government. Through many of its landmark decisions, like banning prayer in public schools and legalizing abortion, the Supreme Court fueled many of the most passionately heated and ongoing debates in America’s history. The U.S. Supreme Court is established by Article III of the U.S. Constitution, which states, â€Å"[t]he judicial Power of the United States, shall be vested in one Supreme Court, and in such inferior Courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish.† Other than establishing it, the Constitution spells out no specific duties or powers of the Supreme Court or how it is to be organized. Instead, the Constitution empowers Congress and the Justices of the Court itself to develop the authorities and operations of the entire Judicial Branch of government. As the very first bill considered by the very first United States Senate, the Judiciary Act of 1789 called for the Supreme Court to consist of a Chief Justice and only five Associate Justices, and for the Court to hold its deliberations in the nation’s capital. The Judiciary Act of 1789 also provided a detailed plan for the lower federal court system merely alluded to in the Constitution as â€Å"such inferior† courts. For the first 101 years of the Supreme Court’s existence, the justices were required to â€Å"ride circuit,† holding court twice a year in each of the 13 judicial districts. Each of the then five justices was assigned to one of three geographical circuits and traveled to the designated meeting places within the districts of that circuit. The Act also created the position of U.S. Attorney General and assigned the power to nominate Supreme Court justices to the President of the United States with the approval of the Senate. The First Supreme Court Convenes The Supreme Court was first called to assemble on Feb. 1, 1790, in the Merchants Exchange Building in New York City, then the Nations Capital. The first Supreme Court was made up of: Chief Justice John Jay, from New York Associate Justices John Rutledge, from South CarolinaWilliam Cushing, from Massachusetts|James Wilson, from PennsylvaniaJohn Blair, from Virginia|James Iredell, from North Carolina Due to transportation problems, Chief Justice Jay had to postpone the first actual meeting of the Supreme Court until the next day, Feb. 2, 1790. The Supreme Court spent its first session organizing itself and determining its own powers and duties. The new Justices heard and decided their first actual case in 1792. Lacking any specific direction from the Constitution, the new U.S. Judiciary spent its first decade as the weakest of the three branches of government. Early federal courts failed to issue strong opinions or even take on controversial cases. The Supreme Court was not even sure if it had the power to consider the constitutionality of laws passed by Congress. This situation changed drastically in 1801 when President John Adams appointed John Marshall of Virginia to be the fourth Chief Justice. Confident that nobody would tell him not to, Marshall took clear and firm steps to define the role and powers of both the Supreme Court and the judiciary system. The Supreme Court, under John Marshall, defined itself with its historic 1803 decision in the case of Marbury v. Madison. In this single landmark case, the Supreme Court established its power to interpret the U.S. Constitution as the â€Å"law of the land† of the United States and to determine the constitutionality of laws passed by Congress and the state legislatures. John Marshall went on to serve as Chief Justice for a record 34 years, along with several Associate Justices who served for over 20 years. During his time on the bench, Marshall succeeded in molding the federal judicial system into what many consider to be todays most powerful branch of government. Before settling at nine in 1869, the number of Supreme Court Justices changed six times. In its entire history, the Supreme Court has had only 16 Chief Justices, and over 100 Associate Justices. Chief Justices of the Supreme Court Chief Justice Year Appointed** Appointed By John Jay 1789 Washington John Rutledge 1795 Washington Oliver Ellsworth 1796 Washington John Marshall 1801 John Adams Roger B. Taney 1836 Jackson Salmon P. Chase 1864 Lincoln Morrison R. Waite 1874 Grant Melville W. Fuller 1888 Cleveland Edward D. White 1910 Taft William H. Taft 1921 Harding Charles E. Hughes 1930 Hoover Harlan F. Stone 1941 F. Roosevelt Fred M. Vinson 1946 Truman Earl Warren 1953 Eisenhower Warren E. Burger 1969 Nixon William Rehnquist(Deceased) 1986 Reagan John G. Roberts 2005 G. W. Bush Supreme Court Justices are nominated by the President of the United States. The nomination must be approved by a majority vote of the Senate. The Justices serve until they retire, die or are impeached.  The average tenure for Justices is about 15 years, with a new Justice being appointed to the Court about every 22 months. Presidents appointing the most Supreme Court Justices include George Washington, with ten appointments and Franklin D. Roosevelt, who appointed eight Justices. The Constitution also provides that â€Å"[t]he Judges, both of the supreme and inferior Courts, shall hold their Offices during good Behaviour, and shall, at stated Times, receive for their Services, a Compensation, which shall not be diminished during their Continuance in Office.† While they have died and retired, no Supreme Court justice has ever been removed through impeachment. Contact the Supreme Court The individual justices of the Supreme Court do not have public email addresses or phone numbers. However, the court can be contacted by regular mail, telephone, and email as follows: U.S. Mail: Supreme Court of the United States1  First Street, NEWashington, DC 20543 Telephone: 202-479-3000TTY:202-479-3472(Available M-F 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Eastern) Other Helpful Telephone Numbers: Clerks Office: 202-479-3011Visitor Information Line: 202-479-3030Opinion Announcements: 202-479-3360 Court’s Public Information Office For time-sensitive or urgent questions please contact the Public Information Office at the following number: 202-479-3211, Reporters press 1 For general questions that are not time-sensitive, email: Public Information Office. Contact the Public Information Office by US Mail: Public Information OfficerSupreme Court of the United States1 First Street, NEWashington, DC 20543

Monday, November 4, 2019

Supply Chain management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Supply Chain management - Essay Example Switching costs are moderately high for manufacturers and hence lot sizes drive costs. Visibility is lacking in supply chain regarding down stream activities with consequent vague projections on deliveries. Capacity is determined by external factors such as time limited quotas with no information available about delivery by competitors for the same quota. This arduous process takes 6 to 12 months, which is excruciatingly long compared with the value added cycle time of only 6-12 weeks. The brand owners therefore begin their work on the product more than a year before the selling season. The players in the industry have responded to the troubled times with the initiatives such as Quick Response Time, Collaborative efforts among the participants and concurrent engineering necessitating the deployment of contemporary web enabled information technology in the supply chain management. The global apparel industry is typically with a number of complexities. Fluctuating and uncertain demand, short product lifecycle, wide variety not always amenable to the economies of scale and supply chain transcending geographic boundaries, time zones, cultures and languages. To win in this industry, efficient supply chain management is a major base for sustainable competitive advantage. The search for comparative advantage has led many apparel industry players to globalise their operations in the recent times. This is borne out by the penetration of imports. For instance, in UK, the degree of import penetration in this industry is 92% (Jones 2006). The vertically integrated local model gave way to multi-tier globally distributed model. This model hinged on availability of skills, specialised process technology, international trade relations and regulatory milieu present in host countries for outsourcing. The made to order nature of the product and the needed skill intensity in

Friday, November 1, 2019

Literature Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Literature - Research Paper Example In the end, marriage and love undermine Helena and Hermias friendship, destroying their chance to have the kind of relationship Woolf and other feminists dream of. The desire of Helena and Hermia to get married, and the relationship Oberon has with his wife Titania, show that "A Midsummer Nights Dream" ultimately reinforces the cultural subordination of women by their husbands and lovers. As Roberts points out about Elizabethan drama in general, "unless we are very careful, these plays reinforce for women their inherited and culturally sustained sense of their own insignificance" (367). The same is certainly true of A Midsummer Nights Dream in specific; the play reinforces traditional gender roles which require women to get married and nothing else. This can be seen in the fact that all of the main female characters only want to get married. Even the dramatis personae describes the women characters as "in love with" their lover, or as "betrothed" to them. As Woolf suggests, the women are only described based on the men they associate with (82). Additionally, "A Midsummer Nights Dream has 13 men to 4 women" (Roberts 367). This shows that the play is more interested in men than women, even if the women characters do play such an important role, relatively speaking, to those of the male characters. Of course, the main female characters are Hermia and Helena. Their goals are both marriage, and both of them seem at first to be good Feminist role models. After all, they have both fled with their preferred lover, denying their fathers wishes by refusing to marry the men their fathers prefer. In the first act, Theseus warns them of the consequences of their disobedience. If Hermia does not marry Demetrius instead of Lysander, she will have either "to die the death, or to abjure / For ever the society of men" (I.i.65-66). Even when threatened with execution or being sent to a nunnery, though, Hermia is unrepetant: She would